
ThemeFit is the Mighty Warriors signature Boot Camp workout because every week participants can a different theme to the workout. The following are the
- Fitness Testing - Check how fit you are with this session.
- Hill - Sprints, Burpess, Band Resistance, it's a killer workout all up a hill!
- Circuits - A unique variety of stations to work at.
- Bums, Tums & Thighs - Tone up your abs, bum and legs with this training.
- MMA - Combining Muay Thai, Kickboxing and other mixed martial arts.
- Sand Bag - Try working out with a 10lb sand bag. Awesome workout.
- Animal Flow - You're in the zoo so why not move like an animal.
- Speed & Agility - Using agility ladders, sprinting and other unique training.
- Coconut - No medicine ball here. We use kelapa muda. :)
- The Rope - Not for the faint hearted. All exercises will make use of a rope.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has become a popular way to burn more fat. It's a training method that has been effective for many people. HIIT is a training idea in which low to moderate intensity intervals are alternated with high intensity intervals. HIIT is considered to be much more effective than normal cardio because the intensity is higher and you are able to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic endurance while burning more fat than ever before.

CaliFit stands for Calisthenics Fitness. Calisthenic training involves any exercises performed using no added weight, and is commonly referred to as body-weight training. It has many benefits and is convenient. The workout will be tailored to suit beginner, intermediate or advanced participants.

Coming Soon

RunFIT takes regular runners outside of their comfort zones by introducing intervals, fartleks, stairs and hills and various combinations of each. One of the goals of the running groups is to travel to various parts of Indonesia participating in 10’s, half’s and full marathons. Learn to run faster and more efficiently and improve your times at RunFityou may just surprise yourself!